name woLfgang waGenhäuser   hobbies cAriCature wRiting   pianisT and compOsEr
born in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). 

When only 4 years he insisted in having lessons for theory and piano by his father. 

First concert with 5. In the age of 9 organist in his hometown. 
Various 1. prices in (young people) competitions followed by concerts in Poland and Austria. 

Wolfgang Wagenhäuser learned with Wendelin Röckel and Norbert Brecht- finally studying 
at "Musikhochschule Frankfurt" piano with Gisela Sott and Leonard Hokanson; 
composition with Kurt Hessenberg and Hans Dieter Resch. 



1974 winnerof the german "Hochschulwettbewerb". 1980 and 1981 first 
prices in international competitions in Florence and Paris. In the U.F.A.M.-Competition 
U.F.A.M.he also won the "Prix de Mozart" and best Beethoveninterpretation. 

His pianistic career guided him in europe from Russia to Spain, from Sweden 
to Italy, several tours to Africa -northern and southern countries- 

as well as Japan and Korea.


Numerous recordings for radio and tv. 
Many live-broadcastings ! 

The musical power of this "Allround-Musician" is as well proved by many mandates for compositions. 

Since 1987 Wolfgang Wagenhäuser is professor for piano at the "University of Music" in Trossingen, Germany. 

He taught in masterclasses at "Tschaikowskykonservatorium" (Moscow), at universities 
in Bucarest (Romania), Pusan (Korea), Stellenbosch (Southafrica) and with "Hindemith- 
stiftung" in Blonay (Switzerland) and in Germany at the international academy of music 
..anima la musica.. Aixheim, Blackforest/Baar. 
His researches about piano-sound opens totally different new possibilities of training and expression for all pianists. His studies about "artistic body-controll" animates as well masters of other instruments and can give numerous impulses for new ideas in each teaching and playing.

listen to his
Tschaikovsky- Variations
with lots of humor
an aRTist
with hearT and brAin

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